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CT/MR Enterography

West Reading Radiology Associates is pleased to announce the use of CT and MR Enterography for the evaluation of the small intestine for diagnoses such as Crohn’s disease, small bowel tumors, and mesenteric ischemia.

CT enterography is a special type of computed tomography (CT) imaging performed with intravenous contrast material after the ingestion of liquid that produces images of the small intestine.

MR enterography is a special type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed with a contrast material to produce detailed images of the small intestine.

Patients can have CT Enterography performed at any CT location, including Leesport Imaging, Gateway Imaging, Imaging at Broadcasting Road, and Reading Hospital. Patient instructions will be provided at time of scheduling. Patients should report 1 hour and 15 minutes prior to their scan time.

Patients can have MR Enterography performed at the Reading Hospital.


West Reading Radiology Associates is excited about the recent purchase of a Siemens Symbia SPECT / CT unit which is now installed and operational in the Nuclear Medicine Department. For those unfamiliar with SPECT / CT, the technology involves combining tomographic images from gamma-emitting radioisotopes with conventional CT images obtained during the same imaging session. The major advantage of SPECT / CT is the ability to electronically overlay physiologic and anatomic data, which provides improved exam sensitivity and enhances anatomic localization of abnormal radioisotope accumulation.

SPECT / CT currently has a number of useful and well-established applications for which we are currently offering appointments. These include:

  • Parathyroid imaging in the setting of hyperparathyroidism
  • Identification and staging of neuroendocrine malignancies
  • Staging of prostate cancer
  • Enhanced identification of abnormal spinal activity for back pain
  • Improved sentinel node localization for melanoma
  • Improved tumor localization
  • Liver lesion evaluation

Additional applications may be offered based on requests, clinical interest, and discussion with the Nuclear Medicine physician. Ordering a SPECT / CT exam is straightforward:

Select the appropriate image order with SPECT / CT in the descriptor.

As a department, we are excited to be able to offer this new technology which has the potential to provide significantly enhanced patient care.


West Reading Radiology Associates and the Section of Nuclear Medicine is pleased to announce the addition of Xofigo to our list of therapeutic offerings. Marketed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Xofigo is the trade name for radium 223 dichloride which is an injectable alpha-emitting radioisotope approved for clinical use by the FDA in May 2013. Xofigo is indicated for the treatment of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer, symptomatic bone metastases, and no known visceral metastatic disease.

FDA approval for Xofigo was based on a phase III clinical trial (ALSYMPCA) which studied 921 men with prostate cancer. Results of the trial showed a statistically significant improvement in overall survival in men treated with Xofigo versus placebo. Those who received Xofigo also reported a better quality of life as measured using a standardized assessment tool. The full article reporting the details of the trial is available in the New England Journal of Medicine, July 17, 2013.

The current dosage recommendation for Xofigo is six injections given at four-week intervals. The most common adverse reactions documented with Xofigo use are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and peripheral edema. Hematologic abnormalities include anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. As a result, fairly stringent hematological evaluation is required prior to and during Xofigo administration.

Additional detailed product information regarding Xofigo is available on the internet at

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